Think leads and sales – then design your website

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Your website and ultimately marketing campaign must bring in the leads that convert and becomes sales. If you start with this thought in mind, you are on the right track for your website and campaign. Here are a few factors to consider when you get to the web design stage.
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Don’t be afraid of white space

Whitespace is an essential design element that helps you break up the page and increase readability.

Also called ‘negative space’, white space refers to the areas around elements on a page that are empty and lacking content or visual items.

Although extra space may seem superfluous, it’s actually responsible for readability and content prioritization. It also plays an important role in the design process and positioning website design elements.

If you know of some pages lacking white space, review the page and strip elements or content that aren’t necessary to the purpose of the page. Then, make sure this content is properly grouped so users are able to distinguish where they belong on the page. If you need some example of the website doing this well, check out these all-stars to help aid you on your improvements.

Mobile optimization

Don’t forget about optimizing your site for mobile. If you don’t already know, 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and “Google says 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead”.

It’s a necessity to tailor your site to fit the needs and wants of your visitors. You might want to ask yourself, why would someone access my site on mobile? What things would they look for? Does my experience currently allow them to do those things easily?

If your websites lagging on its mobile optimization, check out some of these awesome mobile websites to understand how they have created seamless mobile experiences for their users.

Get found

If you want to develop a substantial online presence, then you need to create a website that can get found.

This starts with developing an SEO strategy that takes into consideration the search terms your buyer personas and audience would search for.

This strategy terms should include creating content that’s relevant to the needs of your visitors. Videos, blog articles, and e-books are a few examples of content that can do this.

Make sure you don’t get too sidetracked with the endless content possibilities you could rank for. Identify the proper keywords first that your audience is actually searching for so you aren’t attracting too many visitors who’d never convert to your product, let alone your offers.

Never stop testing

Evaluating conversion paths, how far users scroll, and where they are clicking, etc, are important qualities that can reveal if your pages are performing the way you intended.

If you’re someone that has tons of pages to go through, chances are you may find this issue on a lot of pages, especially older landing pages.

Pages like these may actually be performing quite well, but contain outdated information that you know could be updated.

Others may just need some tweaking updates or design changes.Simple changes such as button colors, headers, or adding a few sentences in your copy could make incredible differences in the page’s performance.

But rather than changing them and set them on their way, especially if you don’t know what to change, you can use tools to create A/B tests for them, multi-variant tests, or even set up heat maps to see what users are doing.

Each test can reveal more a variety of data that identifies why users are interacting with pages in particular ways.

Looking for a website and strategy that brings in the leads and sales?

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Think leads and sales – then design your website

Your website and ultimately marketing campaign must bring in the leads that convert and becomes sales. If you start with this thought in mind, you are on the right track for your website and campaign. Here are a few factors to consider when you get to the web design stage.

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